Escaping From Taliban: All or Nothing

With the US decision to withdraw from Afghanistan after 20 years of war and the Taliban taking control of the country, the Turkey-Iran border has become a route used by illegal refugees and human smugglers to reach Europe. Most of the Afghan refugees died while trying to cross the Iran-Turkey border, the bodies of 100 Afghan refugees on the boat that sank in Lake Van have still not been found. According to the data of Turkish authorities, last year, Turkish security forces detained 200,000 Afghan asylum seekers who were found to be illegal in the country, took them to deportation camps and deported them by plane. Turkey completed 63 km of the modular concrete wall, which it started to build on the 560 km Iranian border, in Van. Border security is being increased to a higher level in order to prevent illegal crossings. It is scheduled to be completed by the end of the year. Turkey currently hosts more than 4.4 million refugees and migrants and has called on the international community and the United Nations to assist with any further influx. According to UNHCR, the number of registered Afghan refugees in the world is 2.5 million.


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